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Bill Comparatives

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Bill Comparatives

An easy way to review fees for 2 comparative periods.

One of the gauges of success is whether revenue is growing or shrinking. Growth is good, but we need to drill into the detail, as well as looking at numerous other factors. We need to look at revenue client by client to determine if they are trending in the right direction as one of several indicators at client level.

Bill Comparatives will allow you to select two separate periods that permits the comparison of revenue, client by client for each of the periods.

This can then be repeated for as many different periods as is needed. The results can then be previewed on screen, or exported to Excel for further analysis.


Chameleon I.T are a client focused consultancy seeking to deliver IT efficiency gains through software and consulting solutions.

These solutions seek to take existing systems and optimise them in conjunction with adding cutting edge technologies to complement.



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01727 831 383
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